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  • Amazon

    The Amazon enables virtually 100% of the roots to be exposed to oxygen virtually 100% of the time - as oxygen is so important for root growth, plant health and yield size it's no surprise that the Amazon produces the biggest yields.

    Young plants or rooted cuttings are placed in mesh pots and hang down into the Amazon's misting chamber that sits on top of a nutrient solution tank. The roots are constantly misted with nutrient solution.

    We spent many years developing the misting mechanism so that the water droplet size is perfect. Too large a water droplet means less oxygen is available to the root system. Too fine a water droplet produces excessive root hairs and not enough lateral root system.

    The fact that the misting chamber is so oxygen-rich also means that disease is prevented (because most root diseases can't survive in such conditions) so large numbers of plants can be grown in smaller spaces without the risk of disease.
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