Liquid Silicon

Liquid Silicon

Silicon or (si) for the science people that know their chemical elements, is a natural substance occurring in soil. If silicon is not present in your soil or medium, we advise that you add it. This is where liquid silicon will help you in achieving the results you're after. Growing with silicon will help your plant become stronger, better at fighting against disease, pests and increase yields. You will notice the all the stems on the plant are considerably thicker and the plant will be a lot more healthier compared to the plants without silicon. When you go to crop your plant at harvest time look at how thick the stems are even on a fan leaf. Remove the leaf and you will see the difference between a none silicon plant and one that has been given silicon.

The benefits of using silicon

Silicon will improve the development of the cells in the plant. The plant will uptake the silicon and then deposit it into the cell walls, this process takes 24 hours. A stronger Silica cellulose framework will be formed from the deposits and the plant will grow faster because of the silicon in its system. You could almost say that silicon is like the iron rods in a cement foundation or that extra material added to increase strength. Good against fungus attacks, improving cell formation, uptake of nutrients and how the nutrients will be used in the plant.


Different Brands

There are a few different brands on the market, our favourite is Hy-Gen budlink but the others are good too, such as Plant magic – bio silicon, Advanced nutrients – Rhino skin and Growth technology silicon. Some base nutrients like Canna Aqua have silicon already added into them so no need to add with these products. We advise that you follow the instructions on the bottle they all vary slightly. Use silicon from week one and drop out when you start to flush.

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